This is the Chateau Barossa that is in the grounds of Lyndoch Hill Retreat where we stayed.Unfortunatly for us we didn't have time to check it out but from all accounts it was a spectacular both inside & out.
This short 307 km day started a bit wet, but soon cleared up to cool and overcast day. We stopped a couple of times and then headed to Peter Cherrys place for lunch time BBQ.
Peter is one of the riders on the trip and he kindly opened up his home for all the 50 odd riders and some guys from the local Gold Wing club. We also had a auction for a signed T shirt , a paintball experience, a bike wash from Andrew ( one of the support crew) which went for about $800.00, also a couple of wine packs. I was bidding on the T shirt and at $500.00 I put my hand up to raise the stakes and not knowing exactly what to do, the auctioneer asked me how much and I said what ever it takes, so he said $1,000 dollars and The T shirt was promptly mine. All the money goes to the foundation, which is such a good cause.
There was a engraved glass Plaque of the Around Australia Ride logo which a member of the local Gold Wing Club had donated as a raffle prize. The auctioneer Tony , also one of the riders, won the raffle and promptly offered it up to auction. Bidding was fierce and it finally sold for $3,000 dollars. There was lumps in the throats all round as the guy who donated it is still going through Chemo etc.(it is an insidious disease )
After that we booked into the motel at Lyndoch Hill, which has new owners about a year ago, they are trying to make the gardens one of the top ten gardens in the world .and currently have a breed of Rose from each Country in the World. I think that she said there was about 30,000 roses in the garden, it is quite spectacular, even though they are still bringing the gardens back to life after years of neglect.
The above 2 photos are of some of the garden.
Donna & Bob did their usual Wine Tour to end all tours loading the bike with a case on the rack plus 2 in the hand. As we rode the bike on this one there was no tasting we bought by name not taste, such as Duck Duck Goose, Seize The Day & Outlaw just to name a few.
You will have to wait till we get home to give us a rating...........
The Resort offered up an auction for a weekend and was sold for $2500 which was then given to Phil (Stevens Dad) and Alan (one of the organisers of the Snowy Ride) as an appreciation for their efforts. when the Resort saw it was for 2 couples they added the extra room and meals to round it out. Mandy & Mark are great people and highly recommend you stay there if you are over that way.