Me Again,
The longest ride to date 870kms & 38 degrees,Bloody Hot!Like riding in a fan force oven. The riders had many stops to rehydrate & wet down their riding gear. Definitely the toughest day so far, due to the heat. Donna was off the bike as soon as they hit the motel & in the pool to lower her body temp. Thats 5 times in the pool in 10 days, more than the last 20 years!
Didn't stop for to many photos,as It was a case of getting to where your going,however one of the stops was at Roebourne, a small town with an old jail house.
As it is a few days since we did this section, it has become a bit of a blur to remember exactly what happens.It is a great experience, but time is so short wherever you go, because you get to town refuel, get ice, book into the motel, have a shower and think about tea.After tea and a long day most people are in bed at 9-10pm.
We definately need to fly to Darwin, and go to Kakadu , Katherine and then explore the Kimberlys on the way back to Broome.probably down the Gibb River Road.
I was going to send more photos,but the internet is so slow here, so as we did not stop for to much sight seeing, and there is not much to report this is it for now.
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